About Us

Florida Songwriters Showcase atMarco Players Theater

It's not just music...it's a Lifestyle!

Live it... breathe it, share it!

There are only two kinds of music... good music and the other kind.

My Story is My Song

I was born at a time when music was very special.  Radio and TV were far away, and movies were a once in a long while thing!

So when I heard music, I consumed it like candy, and spent the rest of my life singing, learning instruments, and playing music for family and friends.

It's a magic for you to enjoy!

Songwriters in my Life

I collect songs.

I collect songbooks, recordings, books about the musicians, studios, business...and now, I collect songwriter friends!

I enjoy people who also write songs, live songs, breathe songs, and share songs!

It's my passion!  Songwriter friends!

C'mon down!

Visit "J.Robert's Florida Fiddler Show"or "J.Robert's Florida Songwriter Showcase" when it comes to town!